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Anthony and Jonatan Go to Second Round

Badminton news - After the defeat of Tommy Sugiarto, Indonesia finally passed two remaining men's singles to round II. They are Anthony Ginting and Jonathan Christie.

Anthony faced fifth seed Denmark Danish Jan O Jorgensen in the first round, in a match that was held at the Sydney Olympic Park Sports Center on Wednesday (21/06/2017). Anthony was declared victorious after Jorgensen retired in the third game in a 23-25, 21-13, 14-9 lead.

Heavy action awaits Anthony. In the next round, Anthony must fight China's mainstay Chen Long to fight tickets to the quarterfinals.

In another party, Jonatan won a tight game two games against Hong Kong's Hu Yun representative. Compete for 37 minutes, Jonatan quell Hu with a score of 23-21, 21-18.

Similar to Anthony, the steep road also faced Jonatan. The reason, he will fight Lin Dan in the second round.

In the double number, the pair Fajar Alfian / Muhammad Rian Ardianto not a match for seventh seed Huang Kaixiang / Wang Yilyu so subdued 10-21, 21-19, 16-21.

However, the mixed doubles Hendra Tandjaya / Sekartaji Princess successfully drove after defeating the host double, Jacob Schueler / Celeste Lee 21-17, 21-18. Furthermore, Hendra / Sekar will face victory over Malaysia Chan Peng Soon / Cheah Yee See, who passes Takuro Hockey / Sayaka Hirota.
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